
On its mission to create a rich data ecosystem, early-stage startup Nuklai needed to onboard institutional partners, clients, and developers to its infrastructure. This target audience, particularly small-to-medium enterprises and large enterprises, can significantly benefit from Nuklai's solution that helps them organize, enhance, and activate their data for new business ideas, better processes, and monetization. After our successful brand launch of its web3 entity, the Nuklai team reached out to us to help them understand their market and target audience better and to create a professional, B2B-focused brand that would build trust, generate leads, and close sales with large organizations.


Different Brand Positioning Needs

NThe brand positioning we created for Nuklai was extremely successful for the web3 launch, but it didn't resonate with enterprise audiences. They were less excited about the blockchain technology underlying Nuklai and its impact on AI and more interested in the outcomes for their specific business.

Visual Brand Disconnect

The visual brand developed for web3 was not inspiring or familiar to enterprise audiences. In the world of B2B enterprise branding, there is a preference for cleaner, minimalist design that focuses on value add and less on taking creative risks.

Lack of Thought Leadership

Nuklai had little thought awareness dominance in the B2B data space and wasn't using its website, social media, or press effectively due to a lack of focused positioning.


Implementing Persona Interview Frameworks

We helped Nuklai implement persona interview frameworks in discovery calls with their prospects and clients. This allowed us to determine what messaging worked and what didn’t when pitching Nuklai to this audience. We found that most interviewees were not interested in hearing about the benefits of blockchain technology but were keen to understand how Nuklai could solve their data issues. We worked with the Nuklai product team to create simple, impactful messaging that underlined the value of Nuklai’s infrastructure to the B2B audience in easily understandable terms such as "Activate your Data, Hassle-Free" and the three pillars of Nuklai's value add: "Organizing, Enhancing, and Activating Data."

Conducting Competitor Research

We conducted competitor research among other data platforms like Snowflake and Dreamio. We identified a strong prevalence of conservative, B2B blue brands and websites in this sector. However, we also found a lack of a clear leader in terms of brand, UI, and UX, giving us room to innovate while still feeling familiar and communicating trust. We soon launched the B2B-focused Nuklai Enterprise website with a clean, minimalist yet fresh pair of colors, messages, and illustrations that allowed Nuklai to grow in this industry.

Creating a Futuristic Style

We worked with the leadership team at Nuklai to use the new messaging to create a six-month content plan to generate brand exposure, interest, and leads. This plan included developing B2B case studies for the website, creating thought leadership content such as branded podcast snippets, and collaborating with the executive team on their personal LinkedIn social selling strategy.


Effective Website and LinkedIn Launch

The launch of the new website paired with a thought leadership push on LinkedIn proved very effective, with both the website CTA and individual posts from team members generating multiple leads within the first days of launching.

Media Success

Continuous leadership posting on LinkedIn resulted in media success, with team members being published in top media outlets like The Block and CoinDesk.

Increase in Enterprise Followers

The enterprise push on LinkedIn led to a 10% increase in enterprise followers on the company page.


By helping Nuklai Enterprise understand their market and target audience better, and developing a clear, outcome-focused messaging and a clean, professional visual brand, we enabled them to establish trust and generate leads within the enterprise sector. Our strategic efforts resulted in significant growth, including successful fundraising, increased media presence, and expanded community engagement. The successful launch of their new website and thought leadership initiatives has set the stage for continued growth and engagement with large organizations.

Testimonial from our client

WIOSNA quickly understood the very core of Bleech and our ideal client's needs. As a result, we got a creative brand identity, hard-hitting key messaging and worked together to relaunch our website».

Steffen Bewersdorff

ETM  General Director