How We Helped Nuklai Raise $2M and Attract 60K+ Followers with Strategic Branding


Nuklai is an early-stage startup operating in the web3 space, aiming to solve the problem of a highly fragmented data landscape. Business data and global data are currently scattered in various silos, made incompatible by different formats, or never achieve their true potential due to lack of context. By leveraging advanced data infrastructure combined with the privacy and incentivization elements of blockchain technology, Nuklai is developing a collaborative data ecosystem and marketplace. This initiative aims to consolidate global data, making it accessible and usable for its business partners on a unified platform.


Lack of Brand Recognition

Nuklai had no brand recognition or narrative in the web3 industry, a critical gap to fill before its scheduled private and public sales

Absence of Long-Term Vision

There was no clear, long-term vision to help the web3 audience connect with the ultimate goal of Nuklai’s data ecosystem

No Distinct Branding

Nuklai lacked a distinct look for its brand, website, and marketing assets


Developing a Compelling Narrative

Through our market analysis, we helped Nuklai understand the importance of positioning their brand within the context of web3 and AI technologies. We crafted a narrative that emphasized the significance of highly refined data for use in the latest AI technologies, including Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. This focus on the need for high-quality data in AI innovation and process improvement helped connect Nuklai’s brand with retail investors, venture capital firms, and blockchain developers

Creating an Exciting Vision for the Web3 Community

Recognizing that the web3 community is mostly non-technical, we helped Nuklai develop a gamified vision of their roadmap called Smart Data City (SDC), inspired by the famous video game Sim City. This vision made the complex concept of an on-chain data ecosystem more relatable and engaging. We created multiple graphics and a web3 channel style guide for daily updates, introducing elements like BUIDL BAY, which represented the developer and entrepreneur-focused resources of Nuklai. We have also developed the product roadmap in the style of SDC

Creating a Futuristic Style

We helped Nuklai develop a futuristic style that appealed to both institutional partners and the retail investor community. This professional yet exciting style balanced the needs of diverse stakeholder groups, ensuring broad appeal and engagement


Successful Fundraising

Nuklai used its new brand, marketing assets, and narrative to raise nearly $2M in the early seed stage in less than 24 hours. This was followed by three sold-out private sales and a very successful public sale

Increased Engagement and Interest

The launch of the Smart Data City blog achieved significant social media engagement, with 40K views and 250 likes on X (formerly Twitter). More importantly, it attracted new interest from startups wanting to build using Nuklai’s data technology, resulting in four new projects signed

Expanded Community and Ecosystem

Nuklai leveraged its brand identity and marketing assets to grow its channels and ecosystem, reaching over 60K followers on X and 20K on Telegram


Our strategic branding and market insights have successfully positioned Nuklai as a prominent player in the web3 space. By helping them understand their target audience and creating a compelling narrative, we facilitated remarkable fundraising success and ecosystem expansion, setting the stage for continued growth and innovation.

Testimonial from our client

WIOSNA quickly understood the very core of Bleech and our ideal client's needs. As a result, we got a creative brand identity, hard-hitting key messaging and worked together to relaunch our website».

Steffen Bewersdorff

ETM  General Director