How Our Rebrand Helped Bleech Generate Leads, Enhance Team Focus, and Attract Top-Tier Clients


Bleech is a WordPress development agency based in Berlin with over 10 years of experience. Despite years of successful projects and growth, and notable clients including Mercedes Benz, eBay Kleinanzeigen, and Zalando, they started to experience stunted growth, low retention rates, and an unfocused team. They reached out to us to help with a rebrand that would reiterate their new long-term vision and objectives to become a partner to long-term, top-tier clients on their WordPress websites.


Outdated Positioning

While Bleech wanted to be perceived as a high-ticket web development agency with long-term clients, they portrayed themselves as just another WordPress agency with no particular focus or consideration of their clients' needs in their brand and content.

No Brand Presence

Potential clients visiting the Bleech website or social media portals had no idea about their level of expertise, list of impressive clients, awards, or some of the most exciting use cases they had worked on.

Unfocused Team Culture

The team members responsible for client relations, marketing, and recruitment had no unified vision of what Bleech wanted to achieve or the value it could produce for its clients beyond web development. If they didn't know it themselves, how could they communicate it to their client network?


Market Research and Competitor Analysis

We conducted market research, examining competitor agencies and how they positioned themselves uniquely. Some focused on specific industries, others on their role in the process, such as being white-label partners. We combined these insights with interviews of target clients, including individuals from top-tier companies like Mercedes Benz and Baumer Group. We discovered that these dream clients were less interested in the website outcome itself, but rather in what the website did for their business, such as increasing brand exposure and revenue. They valued Bleech's consultations and the services provided once the website was live. They didn’t need WordPress website agencies; they needed long-term WordPress consultants who could help their business grow with WordPress.

Developing a New Brand Identity

We created a whole new brand identity based on this high-quality WordPress consultant positioning, underpinned by the phrase "Make your business grow with WordPress." We developed a refreshed B2B-focused brand identity, translated into a new online portal. On this portal, we added all the trust builders that were previously unknown, such as awards, clients, testimonials, and case studies. We also designed the service page to complement a much more long-term client journey, from research to development to website maintenance packages to improve client retention. The website was also localized in German since Bleech operates in English- and German-speaking markets. 

Team Onboarding and Alignment

Before the official launch, we organized an onboarding event to get the entire company excited and educated about Bleech's true potential. We ensured the team understood how they could help make this vision a reality in client conversations, sales, support, and other interactions.


Lead Generation

The new website and enhanced brand presence generated more leads from top-tier clients, eager to work with Bleech for their WordPress consulting needs.

Improved Client Retention

The redesigned service page and long-term client journey approach resulted in better client retention rates

Enhanced Brand Presence

The new brand identity and online portal effectively communicated Bleech’s expertise and value, attracting more high-ticket clients.

Focused Team Culture

The onboarding event successfully unified the team around Bleech’s vision and value proposition, leading to more cohesive and effective client interactions.


By helping Bleech understand their market and target audience better, and developing a clear, high-quality WordPress consultant positioning, we enabled them to establish trust and generate leads within the enterprise sector. Our strategic efforts resulted in significant growth, including improved client retention, enhanced team focus, and increased brand presence. The successful rebrand and team alignment have set the stage for continued growth and engagement with top-tier clients.

Testimonial from our client

WIOSNA quickly understood the very core of Bleech and our ideal client's needs. As a result, we got a creative brand identity, hard-hitting key messaging and worked together to relaunch our website».

Steffen Bewersdorff

ETM  General Director